Monday, September 29, 2008


Do you think it would be easier for me to get my point across if I used one idea word RHETORIC and one word that is slightly less ambiguous like REBUILD in the place of retrospect so that I could use architectural diagrams along with different and seemingly neutral textural text elements like the alphabet in different typefaces? I think this word change would leave more room for more stable visual messages than the RETROSPECT plan. I think I could come up with alot more solid ideas on the interactions that take place between the letterform and background elements.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've actually just decided to elaborate on the interaction between the background elements and the letterform. If it works out in flash, the letterform will be a mask that cuts through the background to reveal a hidden layer that is the explanatory link between the words/images in the background and the two words I've picked for the sequences to be about. The very back layer will contain images or mixtures of text and image that effectively explain a huge idea in a single readable composition. This concept explains the way graphic design and other techniques of organizing information are and always have been used to get the most essential part of messages across to a vast audience.

Friday, September 26, 2008

RhetoRic RetRospect

DeaR Michael EppelheimeR, the link between these two woRds is faiRly obvious to me but I should explain my intentions in oRdeR foR you to find it as Rational as I do.



   AmeRican HeRitage dictionaRy_n. a Review, suRvey oR contemplation of things in the past


   DictionaRy.com1. contemplation of the past;  a suRvey of past  time,

events,  etc.

    -veRb (used without object)



   AmeRican HeRitage DictionaRy_a. The aRt oR study of using language  effectively and peRsuasively.

  DictionaRy.com_2. the aRt oR science of all specialized liteRaRy uses of language in pRose oR veRse,  including the figuRes of speech.

I would like to link these two woRds togetheR in a fashion that discRibes...

1. ouR Reflection on the way we Rationalize thRough discouRse and the use of language 

2. how ouR Reality has always been based on language and theRefoRe to fully undeRstand ouR Reality and  its limitations we have contemplated the histoRy of so many gReat thinkeRs

3. how, now that we undeRstand what ouR Reality is based off of, does it deceive us (is the Reality 

language, discouRse and communication (veRbal, wRitten and visual) cReates moRe oR less Real than the Reality expeRience gives us).

I think it is since a human being cannot peRceive an entiRe situation-like the cRisis of ouR economy foR example- without the help of vaRious communication devices. Even if one could peRceive such a macRo delemma without the help of the media oR public domain info oR the inteRnet, theRe is no way foR that peRson to be able to do anything about it. Unless that peRson gains a position of poweR that allows theiR ideas to be communicated to the masses then they will go unheaRd.

I don’t know if I would be capable of coveRing all of these points in this pRoject but I have a few ideas on how the imageRy and letteRfoRm could hint at these ideas in a moRe subtle way. I’m thinking I will use text walls to cReate a spatial effect. The text I plan to use will pRobably be veRy impoRtant texts in the histoRy of language. FoR example, Religious texts, goveRnment tReaties oR documents, philosopheR wRitings fRom DaRwin/MaRx/BeauRegaRd etc., and cuRRent day wRitings oR examples of communication(in the manneR it is distRibuted today thRough inteRnet, magazines, television, satellite Radio, infoRmation gRaphs, etc.). All these things would foRm a backgRound element that would line up inteRactively with the letteRfoRm the cReate new meaning foR both the foRegRound and backgRound.

The letteR foRm would pRobably be made up of a baseline element like diffeRent alphabets and numbeR systems. It may even RepResent a child oR neutRal chaRacteR that the vieweR could Relate to.

But befoRe I wRite anymoRe please wRite back whetheR I can keep going oR not. Please keep in mind the fact that the images/sequences I will pRoduce will be a Reasonable simplified RepResentation

word choice

words in pairs for the letter R


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

could you give us an example of a finished composition??

Monday, September 22, 2008


These R's are getting easier to render, but I'm just really anticipating the next big team up between type and vis-com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jamie. Just thought I'd show you this project my foundation group did in Jim Sajovic's class. It reminds me of what we are doing now but with some different restrictions and subject matter.
_we painted (with india ink) about 30 6"x6" compositions.
_about every five comps were a group that sequentially transformed from one image to animation cells.
_then we used those comps to create a big comp (30"x30"). We could crop and rotate the originals in photoshop and then print them out for pasting.
_in crit we tried to analyze each comp in the room using lots of adjectives to objectively describe the images.

just thought I'd tell you, don't know why. I guess that seeing the consistencies in projects like this only go to show me that it is a universal tool in vis com.
Even though the book was a really big project/burden that turned out pretty well I Don't feel to attached to it. I do feel pretty attached to the ideas that were brought to my attention from it. I feel the compositions were strong and craft was fare, but no element exceeded my expectations as much as my new found (re-found) ability to develop and carry out big plans/ideas. So in a sentance-personal growth was the most valued thing I feel I've taken away with me from this assignment.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The biggest flaw in my working system is how I seem to consistently be unorganized and forget to write things down.
A city exists in the jobs it provides.